ETL with VWO


The challenge

Our marketing team at UXPin was enthusiastic about conducting an A/B test on two distinct iterations of the pricing page. Each version featured substantial UI enhancements designed to optimize customer acquisition and conversion rates. VWO allows editing views and display one of several views depending on the segment of users.



The first challenge was implementing several quite complicated changes to the pricing page html/css using the VWO UI. VWO HAS some limitations, but after some battling with the CSS and a few hacks, the new designs were implemented.


Attaching triggers to the buttons was tricky as well, given that they would change radically depending on what type of account the user had. After adding unique identifiers and custom attributes to the buttons, the triggers were set up correctly.


Data collection: VWO allows to download CSS files containing the data collected, however we needed to join this data with what was already in our database. To do so, I created a Node.js application with Express.js that would do the follow:

  • download/extract/parse the VWO data
  • fetch the data from our DB
  • merge the data from the two sources
  • generate a new CSV file and zip it
  • sending an email to the designed recipient